Yesterday on May 25th 2004 in the Spanish hall of the Prague Castle we organized evening of festivities dedicated to Czechoslovak pilots having fought in World War 2.

Both veteran Czechoslovak pilots as well as their former adversaries was present at the celebration. At the same occasion, the most successful of the Czechoslovak fighter pilots, Lieutenant General František Peřina was receive a painting, representing his 1942 air victory from the hands of the artist Robert Bailey.

Present war fighter pilots

Wing Commander František Fajtl DFC
Groupe de Chasse III/9 stíhací peruť Armée de l’Air
1. Fighter Squadron Royal Air Force
17. Fighter Squadron Royal Air Force
313. (Czechoslovak) Fighter Squadron Royal Air Force
1. československý samostatný letecký pluk v SSSR

Flight Lieutenant František Peřina
Groupe de Chasse I/5 Armée de l’Air
312. (Czechoslovak) Fighter Squadron Royal Air Force

Flight Lieutenant Miroslav Štandera
Groupe de Chasse I/6 Armée de l’Air
312. (Czechoslovak) Fighter Squadron Royal Air Force
68. Night Fighter Squadron Royal Air Force

Flying Officer Otto Špaček
Groupe de Chasse I/8 Armée de l’Air
312. (Czechoslovak) Fighter Squadron Royal Air Force
313. (Czechoslovak) Fighter Squadron Royal Air Force

Flight Sergeant Emil Boček
310. (Czechoslovak) Fighter Squadron Royal Air Force

leutnant Theo Nau
Jagdgeschwader JG 11/7 Luftwaffe
Jagdgeschwader JG 77 Herz As Luftwaffe

unteroffizier Fritz Weiner
Jagdgruppe 200 stíhací skupina Luftwaffe
Jagdgeschwader JG 11/7II Luftwaffe

Unteroffizier Horst Schubert
Jagdgeschwader JG 3 Udet Luftwaffe